1. Single rod and line and legal lures alone allowed.
2. While KAA promote catch and release, only 2 trout between 10 inches and 12 inches may be killed per day. In addition, any brown trout over 22 inches may be taken. No trout between 12 inches and 22 inches to be killed.
3. Taking of smolts and parr prohibited.
4. No fishing on Sunday.
5. Spinning for trout is prohibited for conservation reasons except for those under 13 years of age who may spin from 1st June to 31st August on all Association waters bar Hendersyde Water and the South Bank opposite.
6. Fishing from 1st to 30th April and in September restricted to FLY only. Fishing with maggot, or the use of maggot as ground bait, is prohibited at all times. Fishing is now with fly rod, reel and line only; trotting and fixed spool reels with monofilament line are prohibited because of past abuse. (These restrictions do not apply to those under 13 years of age whose dispensation to spin is detailed in Bye-Law 5 above).
7. No fishing on Hendersyde water areas marked yellow on map until 1st June.
8. The sale of trout indirectly or directly is banned. Any infringement of this rule will mean immediate loss of permit.
9. Permits (and, if demanded, fish, bait and tackle) to be exhibited when required to any warden, or to a proprietor, or to the police or Tweed bailiffs.
10. All gates must be closed as requied and injury to fences and disturbance of stock and game must be avoided. No fires to be lit. All litter must be taken home.
11. Salmon anglers must be accorded precedence at all times. (please refer to the new Tweed code of conduct).
11a. No wading above hip level.
12. The Association, through its Committee, shall have the power to refuse membership to, or cancel the membership of, any person whose fishing on the Association’s waters or elsewhere has given rise to a conviction following on legal proceedings against him or to a complaint in writing by a Riparian owner.
13. Anglers are not permitted to take dogs with them while fishing on waters leased by the Association on the Rivers Tweed and Teviot.
14. Fishing on Association competition nights by non-participants after 5 p.m. is prohibited. Note that during April “Fly only Competition” fishing is prohibited before 5pm.
15. Please note that angler are now not permitted to fish between the hours of 11.00pm and 04.00am.